Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Secret- February Read

Hey My Positive Peoples!

I hope 2014 is still looking bright for each of you! New year’s resolution are probably fading off the horizon but don’t give up! Refer back to ways I recommend to keep your resolutions in motion HERE

Last month’s book was a great read, and although there wasn’t much participation, I hope you all were able gain something from reading it. I really enjoyed it and have been making a conscience effort to apply it in my life.

As this short month comes to a close, I want to ensure we are all still on a positive road. Each day we all face some sort of issues in our lives, but the outcome depends 100% on how you deal with them. Staying positive in all situations will ensure positive outcomes!

To help us continue toward Destination Felicity, this month we will be reading The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Some of you may have read it already, and that is fine. This will be my 3rd time and I can’t wait to be refreshed!

If you are already part of Positive Vibes Book Club, you will receive an e-mail from the group with a PDF copy of “The Secret.” If you would like to join, please leave a comment, or email joia@destinationfelicity.com.

HERE is info on the book club, and remember; Participation in the discussions on our group board earns you prizes! So stay in touch.

Keeping the positive vibes Radiating for 2014 and Beyond!

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